Craig Webb, Founder

In 1997, Craig returned to his birthplace of Tasmania after many years in the Kimberly working as a veterinary nurse and registered as a licensed wildlife carer. Craig was initially involved with all facets of wildlife care but increasingly he was sought out by members of the public to look after injured raptors. At the time, there was no facility dedicated to the rehabilitation of Tasmanian raptors. This led to Craig having the idea of creating a working refuge that would care for and rehabilitate injured raptors, so that they can be released back into the wild.


Craig Webb with Montgomery, the Tasmanian Masked Owl

Craig bought the 20 acres of land where the Raptor Refuge is currently situated and has worked tirelessly to build what is now the only dedicated facility in Tasmania for the rehabilitation of raptors. His single-minded determination and commitment to Tasmania’s birds of prey has seen him construct the largest flight aviaries in Australia. These aviaries where the result of many sleepless nights trying to solve the complex engineering challenges of putting heavy, commercial fishing nets (almost two tonnes each), securely fastened with a series of ropes on pulleys, above and around the power poles that support them.

Over time, Craig has built more aviaries and also a fantastic Education Centre. Craig is passionate about educating children and adults alike about the threats to Tasmania’s raptors and what we can do to help them.

Craig is a straight-talking, passionate advocate for the birds he cares for, most of whom are healing from wounds caused by human incursions into their territory.

Raptor Refuge Team

Behind the scenes, there are a number of committed volunteers helping to keep the Raptor Refuge running. The team has grown over the years and is made up of like-minded folk with a mixture of passion, pragmatic attitudes, intelligence and empathy for our beautiful and threatened raptors. 

The photo below is a shot of some of our ground crew. Of course, there are many more past and present volunteers who have and continue to contribute their skills and passion.

Photo of some of the committed volunteers who help keep the Raptor Refuge running.